Friday, November 18, 2011

Risks of Prematurity

Premature birth can present significant, lifelong problems for babies born before they have reached full gestation. Thanks to the aid of concerned, everyday people like Ashok Bagdy, the March of Dimes Foundation can protect babies from preterm birth through maternal education, as well as to provide support when babies are born prematurely.

A full-term pregnancy lasts 37 to 42 weeks. Babies need this long in the womb in order to develop important neurological and pulmonary systems. Because of supporters like Ashok Bagdy who help raise awareness, the general public can learn that infants born before 37 weeks may be subject to long-term health consequences, including an increased risk of learning and attention disabilities, lung problems, vision and hearing loss, behavioral issues, sudden infant death, and cerebral palsy. The earlier a baby is born, the greater the chance of developing any of these difficulties.

The education that the March of Dimes supplies to mothers-to-be is important because certain lifestyle factors increase the risk of preterm labor. These factors include receiving prenatal care late in the term or not at all. Smoking, alcohol, illegal drug use, medication intake, domestic violence, high stress, extended periods of standing while working, exposure to environmental toxins, and lack of social support can also increase risk of premature birth.

Along with providing educational information and support to parents and families, the March of Dimes also offers research grants to scientists seeking a better understanding of preterm labor prevention. Ashok Bagdy, and thousands more like him, support each of these missions because they believe all babies deserve a chance at a healthy, happy life.

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