Friday, September 28, 2012

The Different Shapes of Need

What do we need to survive? Most of us, if faced with this question, would name the essentials: food and water, a roof over our heads. Beyond that, money to acquire the things our family needs, and useful work to fill our days. Further than that, however, lies the realm of satisfaction and need that is not as easy to define, but often just as key to our health and happiness. While some charities and organizations tend to this first category, it’s those that turn towards the latter regard we focus on today.

Rabbi Leib Tropper nurtures a life long dedication to study and community outreach. Raised by an elementary school teacher in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, Tropper moved to Israel at 14 and continued to exceed in his studies. This laid the foundation for his later efforts, which transformed his knowledge into sustainable service to others.

As an adult, Tropper gained recognition from the globalcommunity for his works at the head of Horizons. The traveling program, which drew audiences in Paris, Berlin, London, and throughout small towns in the United States, afforded people who might not otherwise have been exposed to the Torah a window into understanding. The lectures featured insight into the culture and principles and garnered a strong reputation amongst leaders. 

Currently, Rabbi Leib Tropper supervises Character First, an Israel-based organization. The group focuses on promoting the development in character as guided by the Torah, and commands the support of the greater religious community. Through his commitments over the years, Tropper assists people in finding the tools to thrive.

Rabbi Leib Tropper from Leib Tropper on Vimeo.

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