Friday, September 28, 2012

The American Red Cross and The Walking Dead Team Up for Zombie Blood Drive

Founded by Clara Barton in Washington, DC on May 21, 1881, the American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides disaster relief, community services, and health and safety education throughout the United States. Barton led the Red Cross for more than two decades and resigned in 1905, the same year the organization received its second congressional charter. During Barton's presidency, the Red Cross carried out its first disaster relief efforts both at home and abroad, assisted the US military when the Spanish-American War broke out, and successfully campaigned for the adoption of the American Amendment to the Geneva Treaty.

The Red Cross launched its first aid, water safety, and public health nursing programs before World War I. After the conflict, the organization focused on serving veterans as well as enhanced some of its programs. With the outbreak of World War II, it enrolled over 104,000 nurses to help the US military, Allies, and civilian war victims; prepared 27 million packages for prisoners of war; and sent more than 300,000 tons of supplies overseas. Additionally, the military requested the Red Cross to start a national blood program for the armed forces, an undertaking that ultimately collected 13.3 million pints. Following WWII, the Red Cross initiated the first countrywide civilian blood program that supplies 40 percent of the blood and blood products in America today.

Recently, the organization partnered with AMC's hit show The Walking Dead to raise awareness about the constant need for blood, encouraging everyone to donate. The American Red Cross Zombie Blood Drive will run through October 22 and is supported by celebrities such as Peter Jackson, Mena Suvari, The Black Keys, Aisha Tyler, and Kurt Busch, all of whom have been “zombified” for the campaign's PZA – Public Zombie Announcement. AMC is also running a sweepstakes to thank the blood drive's participants; the grand prize is a trip to the set of The Walking Dead.

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