Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association: Nurturing the Zoo

Established in 1963, the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association (GLAZA) is a non-profit corporation that supports the Los Angeles Zoo. The zoo itself has a mission of nurturing wildlife and enriching the human experience via a wide range of programs and projects designed to strengthen the bonds between man and animals through education.

The association has the primary mission of seeking and providing financial support for the Los Angeles Zoo’s programs and projects including its capital needs. Aside from funding support, it also provides support in other ways including travel programs, membership programs, and special events, as well as publications of award-winning magazines, coordination of zoo volunteer programs considered as one of the largest in its kind in the United States, and administration of service concessions for visitors. It is also at the forefront of community and public relations for the Los Angeles Zoo, thus, making GLAZA the strongest advocate for the zoon.

The Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, a sprawling 133-acre zoo, was founded in 1966. The ownership of the entire zoo including its land, facilities and animals belong to the City of Los Angeles; the personnel involved in construction, grounds maintenance, animal care, administration, education, and public information are all city government employees.

The zoo has several areas of interest including:
  • The Botanical Gardens, which was established in 2002, are spread throughout the grounds. These feature 15 plant collections with over 800 plant species and more than 7,600 individual plants.
  • The chimpanzees of Mahale Mountains are housed in a 1-acre exhibit complex characterized by palm trees, boulders, and waterfalls, among others.
  • The Campo Gorilla Reserve featuring western lowland gorillas, which can be viewed via two glass observation windows.
Other exhibits are Elephants of Asia, The LAIR (Living Amphibians, Invertebrates, and Reptiles) complex, the Red Ape Rain Forest, and the Rainforest of the Americas.

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