Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bibles for the World: Sharing the Gospel to the World

Bibles for the World, a non-profit organization, is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Accountability. Its declared mission is to share and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through dedicated ministry to the unreached peoples, as well as to the Church and Christian leaders in the developing countries especially in India.

By establishing strong and strategic partnerships with its ministers, donors and partners, the Christian organization has so far been successful in reaching as many people as possible. Its three-fold approach in spreading the Gospel is as follows:
  • Distribution of Bibles and biblical resources including scripture portions;
  • Provision of Christian education via affiliated schools in Delhi and in Northeast India with the goal of raising well-educated children with a strong love for God; and
  • Establishing networks of national Christian leaders and Indian churches for greater effectiveness in sharing the Gospel.
Bibles for the World equips Christian leaders with the faith, knowledge and skills in Christian ministry through the Trinity College and Seminary in Manipur and the Serampore University in West Bengal. Its extensive network of evangelical seminaries across India includes many of the world’s finest seminaries.

As a non-profit, Christian-based organization, all donations to Bibles for the World are considered tax deductible, as allowed by the law. The men and women behind the organization take their stewardship of both their ministry and their stewardship over the donations seriously. As such, the organization spends only 15% of donations to administrative expenditures while 85% goes to programs.

Bibles for the World undertakes careful monitoring of programs and their costs, apply the donations including grants according to their intended purposes, and leverage funds for maximum impact. For this reason, the organization has been awarded a 4-star rating by the Charity Navigator in recognition of its exceptional financial health including its ability to grow its finances well.

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