Sunday, November 23, 2014

Opportunity Village: Helping Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities Since 1954

One of the top charities for people with intellectual disabilities, Opportunity Village offers programs and services to enhance the lives of Southern Nevadans with intellectual and related disabilities and their families. Through free vocational training, community employment, art and life skill enrichment, social recreation, and advocacy, individuals with intellectual disabilities make new friends, pursue creative passions, realize future career paths, gain confidence and independence, and become the best they can be.

Opportunity Village was founded in 1954 by a small group of local families who wanted to improve the lives of their children with intellectual disabilities. Today, Opportunity Village is Nevada's largest private not-for-profit community rehabilitation program, reaching over 3,000 people each year.

More than a charity, Opportunity Village operates a thrift store and three employment training center campuses in Southern Nevada. It also trains and places hundreds of adults in jobs, runs a vehicle donation program, and hosts some of Las Vegas' most popular special events, including the annual Magical Forest and the Las Vegas Great Santa Run. The Magical Forest attracts more than 75,000 people every year and has been named one of HGTV's “Top Holiday Destinations.”

Opportunity Village's impact extends throughout the entire community as the organization fulfills assembly, packaging, mass mailings, and other B2B services for local businesses. In addition, several companies hire Opportunity Village clients as regular employees.

Opportunity Village was the official manufacturer of Elvis Presley's scarves and the buttons that welcomed the thousands who saw “Elvis Live at the Hilton.” Each year, Opportunity Village clients clean over 3 million square feet of office space, community centers, clinics, and parking lots, as well as serve 350,000 meals to the troops at Nellis Air Force Base.

Recognized as “Las Vegas' Best Community Organization,” Opportunity Village is almost entirely self-funded thanks to the support of Southern Nevadans.

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